EIGHT-WHEEL PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVE FOR THE EASTERN RAILWAY OF FRANCE. Quirigua, the ancient Maya city of whatis now a tropical jungle of Guatemala,sixty miles inland from the CaribbeanSea. This city is being uncovered from thedebris and growth of centuries by E. L.Hewett, of the Archaeological Instituteof America, whose researches have addedgreatly t the antiquities already in thepossession of the institute. The temple walls and hieroglyphic-covered monuments already brought tolight are claimed to show a civilizationsuperior to that of ancient Egypt, andthe city is thought to have flourished inthe time of old Rome. The conditions of existence in ancientGuatemala were said to resemble thoseof ancient Egypt except that there wasno great river, and the resulting civiliza-tion was similar. It will be interestingto receive particulars of the tools andimplements used among these pi< neerAmericans, and it is expected that therewill be an exhibition at an earlv date.
The work- Weight in working order—Engine,55 tons, 17 cwt. 2 qrs.; tender, 43 tons,12 cwt. 1 qr.; total weight, 99 tons, 9cwt. 3 qrs. Railway Extension in China. We have received letters repeatedlyfrom railway men troubled with the wan-derlust asking what prospects there wouldbe for them in China, where considerablerailway extension is in progress. Ourearnest advice to these people is staywhere the stars and stripes wave overrailroad operating methods with whichyou are familiar. In reply to questions about railway ex-tension in China we quote a late reportfrom Consul General Bergholz, Canton,published in the Daily Consular Reportas follows: The destiny of the Canton-Macao Rail-way lies with a group of local Chinese,who are now advertising in native papersfor capital with fair success.