All-Steel Suburban Electric Car in Which Pressed Steel Shapes are Liberally Used. The height from the rail to the top of the roof is about 13 ft.3^ in. The passenger cars have a seating capacity of 78, whilethe combination car seats 54 passengers and include a baggagecompartment 16 ft. 5 in. long. They were designed in the officeof L. B. Stillwell. consulting electrical engineer of the road, andwere built by the Pressed Steel Car Company. As is generally believed to be advisable for multiple unit opera- include the lower deck carlines. The posts are riveted to thefacing throughout their length and are secured to the under-frame by gussets connecting them to the cross bearers. Theconstruction and arrangement at this point is clearly sh)wnin one of the photographs. The joint between the pressed steelunits at the top is stiffened and reinforced by intermediate lowerdeck carlines of pressed steel.